Second programming day 1/8/2024

“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” – Walt Disney

My brother and I head to Columbus for the finishing of my stimulator to get programmed. By now we are pros at where we are going and where to park. We should have a frequent flyer card. lol. I’m excited as it is working so far and so seeing how much more it can help is very exciting to me. After getting home the first time the first thing I noticed was how much easier it was to put tooth paste on my tooth brush. That is a plus and I am sure as the days and months go on I will see more improvements and notice more things that are easier. As the rep from Abbot and the Nurse Practitioner are talking it feels like they are talking in code. They are each talking numbers and words that they only understand and I do my job of holding my arms out straight and bring them in when I am told. I have the easiest job I believe. As she is setting it on different settings every once and awhile I have to draw my circles and lines. That is how they judge how my tremors are coming along. I will take a pause right there and fill you in on something I probably should have already typed about. Back when I was in the hospital the Abbot representative put the app on my phone and also gave me a controller for the stimulator. The nurse practitioner makes a program and I have the capability to turn the strength up by .05 each time if I am finding that my hands shake more. At first I was nervous to do it, but now I am getting the hang of it. Now the nurse practitioner controls the frequency so I do not have access to that. After this visit I got home and worked the last half of the day and I will have to say using the keyboard, the mouse, and even my speech was perfect. I was so elated. I am a crier and am sure some tear were shed about how perfect it was. I’ll tell you these appointments couldn’t have happened if I didn’t have an awesome God. It is because of him and his hands on the medical professionals that has made all of this possible. I also want to take this time to do a shout out to my big brother Dick Jones. Without him I wouldn’t have had a ride to Columbus all those times. He was also interested in how this works. That was so awesome to me. Stay tuned for more life with the stimulator.



3 cans of white corn (drained)

1 6oz jar of olives (drained)

1 c chopped green pepper

1 c chopped onion

Mix altogether, pour a small bottle of Italian dressing over the mixture. Marinate overnight.

Turning on the stimulator for the first time and programming it 12/28/23

”To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well let me back this post-op visit up by three days to 12/25/2023 and Christmas at my brothers. This is the funny for the day. It came time for family dinner and my brother saying the prayer before our meal. During the prayer he proceeds to say and be with Kelli and I as I take her to Columbus on the 28th to get her turned on. There were a few giggles, and of course I couldn’t help but say well there may have been a better way of saying that. After the prayer a nephew says I don’t think I want to hear about you taking your sister to get turned on. My brother says well isn’t that what they are going to be doing? We chuckled about that for a little bit and every once in a while one of us still get a chuckle from it.

My brother picks me up to head to Columbus yet again. This time to get my staples out, to get the unit turned on, get it programmed and to have a CT of the head to check on everything. When we first arrived my mood was that I was super excited to see what this is going to be like and to see how this all works. However, when I checked in she only had me to have staples removed and a CT at a different building. To say I was disappointed is to say the least. I was very upset and must of looked like a kid in a candy store that wasn’t allowed to have any candy. After a little bit of discussion at the front desk and the employee going back to talk to the Nurse Practitioner they figured out how to work me in for the first half of programming. They brought me back for the staples to be removed and then briefly after that brought me back to meet with the Nurse Practitioner and the rep. Now is a good time for me to explain once I was told I was a candidate I was told I got to pick which company for the stimulator I wanted to go with. My choices were Abbott, Medtronic, and Boston Scientific. They all do the same thing, but each have there own different perks. I did a lot of research on all three of them and after much research I decided to go with Abbott. The plus size to choosing them is the representative is a friend. That is a great plus and they have been great. I have the best overall neuro group. My neurologist is Dr. Zachary Jordan, my Nurse Practioner is Rozena Davis, and my Neurosurgeon is Dr. Brian Dalm. Also shout out to Jess and Steve with Abbott.

The Nurse Practitioner comes in and apologizes for the mess up in scheduling and assures us she should be able to do the first half of the programming. So in saying that they first have to do what’s called pairing the unit with a magnet. The only thing I feel when they turn it on is a little tingling in my fingers. It’s not bad. So my job in this is very easy. The NP programs the leads and I have to hold my arms out, touch my nose and touch her finger, hold my arms in, and then of course do the circles and lines. The before and after to see how much better it is. Then every once and awhile she’d turn it up to see where I’d have the side effects. The side effects I’d have were numbness and tingling in my hands depending on which side she was working on and then numbness and tingling in my bottom lip with slurring of the speech which was super weird. My brother was in the room as well and sometimes would be asked the question if it sounded like me or if I was having trouble talking. There were times it seemed hard to talk. It is definitely a weird feeling. At no time did I not believe in the process. I know things weren’t going to be perfect in one visit. It’s just so weird how it all works. When I’d be slurring speech she could just turn it down and it would just click off as quick as it would start. When I left there I was tremor free and it felt good. We headed to get my CT scan and then back home to rest some more. These pictures are before the simulator was turned on and then after.

DBS Surgery Stage Two12/13/2023

”Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” – Mother Theresa

We headed to Ohio State Medical Center bright and early the morning of Wednesday December 13, 2023 for my second stage of DBS surgery. We opted not to spend the night the day before, but to get up with the chickens to get on the road. So on the road again was my brother, my sister in law, my mother and I. We were already pros as to where to go and where to check in. So my brother dropped us off and caught up with us in time to be taken up to the surgery area. I went back by myself to get ready and then once I was all settled in my bed the nurse went and got my mother. With about twenty minutes until they were coming to get me my mom asked if the other two could come back to pray with me. She said sure since it’s almost time for her to go and there are only three of you. So one of the funny’s for this day was once my sister in law got back in my room she asked if the anesthesiologist had been in yet. I giggled. The nurse knew which one I was talking about that was cute. I said no they haven’t, but I probably won’t get that lucky again. In comes a older man and introduces himself as my anesthesiologist. My sister in law and I exchanged a smile. After the surgeon came in to explain to me one of the leads was a little deeper than he usually puts it, but it’s still in an area that helps with movement so he doesn’t see any issues with it. He also explained how he puts the battery pack in the chest. Goes over my restrictions once I go home and then it was just minutes until they took me back. I’ll tell ya that place is a huge facility and it is a walk for them to push me in the hospital bed to the Operating Room. No funnies from the Operating Room this time. A few of them were looking at all my tattoos and asking questions about them. I remember one of the girls that was working with the anesthesiologist ask me what music I like. I tell ya everyone I came across was so super nice to me. I tell her that I love country. She said what about Luke Bryan. I said that works. I literally only remember one line of it being played and then it was night night time. This surgery was going to be outpatient and only last about two hours. When I woke I was back in my room where I started. Feeling pretty good. Sore and extremely tired, but not too bad. I got through both of these procedures on nothing but Tylenol. Once I was released we were headed home and this time my family even had a bottle of coke for me so we wouldn’t have to stop. They know me so well. Stay tuned for the next step in fifteen days.



1 c cocoa. 2 c flour

1 c vegetable oil. 2 tsp baking powder

2 c sugar. 2 tsp vanilla

4 eggs. 1/2 tsp salt

Mix oil, cocoa, and sugar. Blend in eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla, flour, baking powder, and salt. Chill dough several hours or overnight. Make balls. Roll in powdered sugar, then in granulated sugar. Bake in 350 degree oven 8-10 minutes. Will easily burn at bottom if oven is too hot.

The two weeks between surgeries

”You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Suess

Before I start this short post I want to take this time to do a shout out to all my family, friends, coworkers, and church members who have been praying for me through this whole process and continue the prayers for me. Without a support group, God, and the prayers I have nothing. I love and appreciate each and everyone of them.

So the surgeries are just about two weeks apart. I am home now resting and taking care in between. My restrictions are no bending over, and lifting no more than 5 or so pounds. Plus I can’t drive. I taught myself how to do laundry with a grabber so that I wasn’t totally helpless. I did have a good friend who brought me meals and also helped with a few home chores. My son helped with the dog. My biggest issue was a horrible sore throat especially at night after I’ve been asleep for a bit. I think during my whole month off work I went through three boxes of popsicles. At one week out from being home a good friend asked if I wanted to go see a movie and have lunch so that I can get out of the house. I did and it went well. Of course though when she got me back home I needed a nap because it wore me out. I was still having very little pain which was just at the incision sites so it was just minimal. Tylenol helped keep that in check. I was just anxiously awaiting DBS stage 2 surgery. Stay tuned for more…

DBS Surgery Stage One 11/30/2023

”Whatever you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

The day before surgery finally is here. Because I was going to be off work for a month I opted to work the day before. At 6pm on 11/29/2023 when I clocked out one of my brothers, his wife, and my mom were here at my home to pick me up to head to Columbus. We chose to spend the night before surgery in Columbus due to how early we needed to check in for surgery the next day. My other brother and sister in law from Tennessee also came up for the surgery. They met us in Columbus. I have had the best support for all of this. When mom and I got to our room I had an awesome poster board sign made from my niece and her family. It made me cry. I also had a text with a card made from one of my great nephews. I was also getting a lot of texts. I could feel the love pouring in. It definitely helped my mental state. While I was not scared at all, I was kinda nervous about how long I was going to be under anesthesia. It got real when I took my hibiclens shower and then climbed into my hotel bed. It really helped my mental state to have my siblings, their wives, and my mom here with me.

When morning came on 11/30/2023 we all got ready and headed to Ohio State Medical Center. After figuring out where to check in, because the place is so huge, we all headed up to the area where I’d get prepped for surgery. We all gathered in the waiting room for a qauick prayer before I went to my room. After I got settled in my bed they let my mom come back and sit with me. Then two people were allowed to be in my room at a time. So they all took turns until they took me to the OR. My Uncle and his friend also joined what I told the staff was my posse. Every single staff member at Ohio State was so super nice to both me and my family. I honestly couldn’t have been treated any better. The first funny of this day was when the anesthesia group came in to introduce themselves. The one guy says was Dr. (name I can’t remember) in here already? Never mind I am very sleepy because I didn’t sleep well the night before, and there have been a lot of people in and out of my room. I said well there was an anesthesiologist in here, but I couldn’t tell you his name as I didn’t pay attention to anything he said as I was staring at how good looking he was. They all giggled. So the last person in my room was the surgeon to go over what was being done and to mark the sides so everyone knew it was bilateral. During stage one he will be drilling two holes in my skull and placing the four leads two on each side. It wasn’t even ten minutes after he left my room that they came and wheeled me down that long hallway to the Operating Room. Second funny of the day was when they were helping me move from my bed to the OR bed. The one guy helping me was trying to keep me modest by tucking my hospital gown under me. I proceed to say “what don’t you want to see a full moon at 7:30 in the morning.” I hear some chuckles from the room. If you know me at all I love to laugh and enjoy making others laugh as well. Next thing I remember is waking up in my room much later in the day. When my family all came in my room they shared with me everything went well and the surgeon was pleased with the surgery. I was so tired and I knew they had been at the hospital all day so since I was being well taken care of I suggested they all headed back to the hotel and I’d see them in the morning. I was doing so well and only had to use Tylenol for pain which surprised me after having two holes drilled in my head. The pain was so minimal though. I just couldn’t seem to keep my eyes open. I was however under anesthesia for 6 hours so I guess that explains the tiredness. I’m pretty sure that I went to bed early that night.

The next morning I was feeling pretty good. I didn’t even feel like I had brain surgery. I had yet another awesome nurse in the morning. I can’t brag enough about the staff. They sure knew how to make me feel like I was at home. And I’m not exaggerating about that. My bandages were looking good so the nurse was able to remove them before I left. I just had to keep them covered when I went out. Once all the discharge paperwork was done I called my brother, gave him an updated report and let him know the nurse would wheel me down to meet them. So both brothers headed to the hospital to pick me up. We went back to the hotel where the women were waiting on us. I was feeling pretty good, just so so sleepy and thirsty. A dry throat from being tubed for so long. I gave hugs to my brother and sister in law from Tennessee then they headed back home. Then we got on the road as well. Once home I was settled in the recliner for some much needed rest.




2 c sugar 1 tsp salt

2 eggs. 1 tsp cloves

1 c oil. 1 tsp nutmeg

2 1/2 c flour. 1 tsp vanilla

2 tsp baking powder. 4 c finely diced apples

1 tsp baking soda. 1 c chopped nuts (optional)

1 tsp cinnamon

Carmel Icing

2 T brown sugar. 1 tsp vanilla

4 T cream. Powdered sugar

2 T butter

Combine all ingredients for the cake and spread in a 9×13 cake pan. The batter will be very thick, but when baked will be very moist. Bake at 350 for 50 minutes. Frost with Carmel icing. Boil brown sugar, cream and butter. Cool. Add 1 tsp vanilla and sifted powdered sugar until thick enough to spread.

Pre-op Apt 11/14/2023

”Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.” – Yoko Ono

My mom and I headed to Ohio State for my pre-op appointment. I’m not sure why I had it in my head I was meeting with an anesthesiologist and also just getting blood work. Then I was also scheduled for a CT scan at the Dublin site. I guess I was thinking I was younger for a minute. So let me set the scene for the first of several funnies of the day. My appointment was arrive at 12:15pm for 12:30pm for the pre-op. Then arrive at 3:30pm for 4:00pm in Dublin which is 25 minutes from the first appointment. So on the drive up my mom asks me what are we going to do in between the appointments? I answer with we will just have to play it by ear as I am not sure at all how long the first appointment will last. So we arrive at the building we needed to be at for this first part. I am getting good at finding the buildings, but not so good with where to park for each one. lol. My mom is a trooper though as she has a rollater walker and she goes to town pushing that. So we arrive with a few extra minutes which is always good as we always have to have a pit stop before the appointment. So we find the little girls room and stop there first. First funny of the day: I stand there as I thought the two regular stalls were full as they seemed locked. After at least ten minutes and a worker comes in I say I think those are locked, but no one is in them. She says have you tried to push the doors. Here all this time I thought you pulled the doors, but no you push them. Oh my. I was glad that it was only us three in there as we all chuckled at me for a few minutes. If you know me you know sometimes I am special that way. Next we head towards where we need to check in for my appointment. We get to that end of the building and there are automatic glass doors to go through before we get to the check in desk. Second funny of the day: I almost ran into those glass doors with my head as I thought they were going to open wider. So I proceed to give the lady my name and answer her questions and why I thought it important to tell her and I almost ran into your door with my head. Her response to that was that’s ok. Oh my. I go back to sit by my mom as she’s waiting and she said yes I heard her. lol. Well it’s my turn so I go to the back and I wait and wait. Did I say I waited. The MA had been in and asked a lot of questions and said a physician would be in soon. After I saw the doc she had the MA come back in to do an EKG. Third funny of the day: During the EKG she proceeds to say it says you have a tremor on the EKG machine can you sit on your hands? I’m thinking duh that is why I am here. Ha ha. I finally am heading back out to the waiting room and tell my mom you aren’t going to believe this, but I haven’t even had my blood drawn. Now to give you an idea about time is they took me back about 12:30pm and it was almost 2:30 by the time I got back out to my mom. She said I was about to go up to the counter and say what are you doing with my daughter back there. I laughed at her, but was a little mad, but was thinking what good is that going to do me. So we head to the lab area which is on our way out. They get me back and back out in like 15-20 minutes. Now back in the car on way to Dublin for the CT scan. Remember we were wanting to know what we were going to do in between the appointments. I guess we figured it out. So we arrive at the building in Dublin at 3:20 and were already headed home by 3:40pm. That was the quickest appointment of the day. Stayed tuned as next week it’s the surgeries posts.



4-5 Chicken breasts

3 Cans of cream of chicken soup (or 1 family size)

8 oz sour cream

1/4 c chicken broth

3 cylinders of ritz crackers

1 1/2 sticks margarine

Boil chicken and save broth. Remove bone from chicken. Cut chicken into bite size pieces and place in bottom of 9×13 baking dish. Mix soup, sour cream, and chicken broth and heat until blended. Pour over chicken. Cover with crushed ritz crackers well coated in melted margarine. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.

The day I found out I was a candidate 10/13/2023

”Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” – Jackie Chan

I remember the day pretty plainly when the surgery scheduler Sunny called with the good news. I was a candidate for bilateral DBS surgery. It was a Friday and although it is usually a day off for me I had picked up a shift so was able to tell my supervisors and coworkers. I also called my mom all excited. I believe there might have even been tears envolved. I believe I even called both brothers and their wives to share the good news with them. I was given tentative days and times and she would confirm them the following Monday. So I originally was given November 30th for stage 1 and then December 14th for stage 2. Then Stage 2 got bumped up by one day to December 13. I will have to say I was not scared at all to have a brain surgery. I am not sure if it’s the fact that I scheduled brain surgeries for 12 years, the fact I felt really comfortable with all the Ohio State staff, the fact I have the best support system, or a little bit of all of the above. Well reality was setting in and I had almost 7 weeks to get my ducks in a row. The part I was struggling with was that I was going to have to take a whole month off work. More about that in a later blog. Until next time.

Visit with the Neurosurgeon 9/18/2023

”If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not” – Elon Musk

My mom, sister in law Debbie, and I drove to Columbus for what was my fourth visit at Ohio State. We met with Dr. Dalm who is a neurosurgeon that specializes in neuromodulation. He knew I was leaning towards DBS surgery and explained how it works. He also explained the three medical companies that he uses and it would be my choice which one I want to go with. Those are Abbott, Boston Scientific, and Medtronics. While they all three do the same thing, they do each have a few little things that are different. What is DBS? Some of you could be asking this about now. Let me take the time to explain right here. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) involves implanting electrodes within areas of the brain. The electrodes produce electrical impulses that affect brain activity to treat certain medical conditions. The electrical impulses also can affect cells and chemicals within the brain that cause medical conditions. The amount of stimulation in deep brain stimulation is controlled by a pacemaker like device placed under the skin in the upper chest. A wire that travels under the skin connects this device to the electrodes in the brain. Deep brain stimulation is commonly used to treat a number of conditions, such as:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Essential tremors
  • Conditions that cause dystonia, such as Meige syndrome
  • Epilepsy
  • Tourette syndrome
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

It was a pretty simple visit and when I left there I felt very optimistic that I’d be a candidate. He said I would receive a call in a couple of weeks to find out the decision made when they meet as a team. More waiting….



1 16 oz loaf of cinnamon swirl bread

6 eggs

3 c half and half or milk

2 tsp vanilla

3/4 c raisins (optional) or you can use raisin cinnamon bread

Place cubed bread in greased 3 quart shallow baking dish. Mix eggs, half and half, vanilla, and raisins together. Pour over all. Cover and refrigerate at least one hour or overnight. Uncover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until golden brown and set in center. Sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar. Serve warm with butter and syrup.

Having my special MRI 8/31/2023

”Change your thoughts, and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

It’s MRI day and we are headed to Columbus yet again. It’s about an hour and twenty five minutes each way to the different facilities we would have to go. I didn’t mind as everyone so far treated me and my family that would go with me to my visits so well. I’m not at all claustrophobic, but was told this MRI is a special one and will last 50 minutes so that had me a little anxious. I had my sister in law Debbie take me so that I could take a Valium to calm my nerves. Now, I am by no way a little girl so mind you several times before we even get to this day I wanted to make sure I didn’t drive all this way and waste my sister in law’s or my time if I didn’t fit into the MRI machine. After getting back with the technicians and getting all the pre questions answered the one guy looked at me weird. I said to him you are worried I won’t fit? (Because I have no filter). His answer was I think you will, but it will be tight. He asked if I was willing to try as this is the best machine if I am planning on having DBS surgery. It was almost forty minutes and I hung in there, but I was snug in there like a sardine in a tin can. I thought my happy thoughts and did it. Stay tuned for more…



(First Layer)

2 c pretzels coarsly chopped

3 T sugar

3/4 c margarine melted

(Second Layer)

8 oz cream cheese

8 oz cool whip

1 c sugar

(Third Layer)

6 oz pkg strawberry jello

2 c boiling water

2 10 oz pkgs frozen strawberries

First layer: Mix together and bake for 8 minutes at 350 degrees. Second layer: Cover up so none of the third layer can leak through second layer. Third layer: Mix together and spread on top. Let set up and serve.

Seeing the Nurse Practitioner 7/28/23

”Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

Seeing the Nurse Practitioner for the first time was a good experience. She did a neuro assessment and also had me do some cognitive testing. She also filmed my visit so she could see my tremors. She had me right a sentence, do the spirals, and draw the straight lines. She also had me walk the straight line (you know like the drunks do, lol) and filmed my walking in general. I had to pour water from one cup to the next with both hands. The right hand and left hand were both tested in all the testing. You have to go through multiple steps before they see if you qualify for either procedure. She was my second appointment, although she could not tell me if I qualify as it wasn’t up to her, she told me I’d be a good candidate. At that time she said if not for both sides at least the right side. I felt good when I left her appointment. I tried hard to have an optimistic outlook on that visit. Stay tuned for more.



3/4 c butter

1 1/2 c firmly packed brown sugar

(3/4 dark brown)

(1/2 light brown)

2 T milk

1 T vanilla

1 egg

1 1/2 c flour

3/4 tsp baking soda

1 c choc chips or m&ms or both

1 c nuts

Heat oven 375 Degrees. Mix butter, sugar, milk, and vanilla. Beat with mixer 2 minutes. Add egg beat until blended. Blend in dry ingredients and choc pieces. Drop rounded tablespoons of dough into a mound on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake about 8-9 minutes.