Health Update 9/30/2024

”If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” – Dolly Parton

Well I am a couple days late with this one, but had some friends over for girls night Saturday so used most of the day running errands and cleaning up the house. I knew I’d eventually get to it. I went last Friday for just a regular follow up with my family physician. I actually see one of the Nurse Practitioners. I had several things I wanted to bring up to her with one being my balance issue even though I have an appointment in Columbus on October 22. I know it’s more an issue for me to bring up at my Neuro apts, but I also like keeping my PCP office aware of things. I was due for lab work so that happened and now I have a few abnormalities we are dealing with there. Will share more once I have more answers. I have to go back in a month for more labs and in that month I am not allowed to have any Tylenol. This is going to be hard as I struggle from severe leg pain some days. My tremor still tends to be doing pretty good. I find I only seem to have a slight tremor when I rubber stamp for my handmade cards. Other than that they are doing GRREAT! I am still struggling with my walking. I have not started that walking plan yet, but it’s a work in process. I just started with working on eating and drinking better. First step for me is to get rid of pop. One step at a time. The reason I mention it here is I hope that then I know I am serious about making this change. For those who know me know I have drank pop all my life. When I say I drink pop I mean it’s nothing for me to drink 3-4 20 oz a day. For me I think it’s a crutch. I have tried to quit in the past and have only made it like 10-14 days. Then I quit. I am on day two of no pop and have switched to tea with stevia in it. So far so good. Until next time.