August 18th Update

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

– John 16:33

Sorry that I am a day late with this week’s post. I wanted to give an update on how I am doing. My tremors have been pretty good. About the only time I have noticed a little tremor in my hands lately is when I am making my handmade cards. After being in two tremor groups and reading posts I see that most of us if not all of us have some sort of hobby that the tremors get in the way. Whether it is knitting, cooking, painting, photography, playing an instrument or any paper crafting and more it is difficult to do when you are shaky. I never really stopped making cards while having tremors I just would fight through it as I feel it is good hand therapy. At least that is what I call it. I feel if we can it’s best to continue our hobbies to our best abilities. The other night I was stamping and my tremor was just little so I bumped my stimulator up two notches on both sides which is .5 each time so that only had me up to 2.10 on both sides. It seemed to help and crafting was much more enjoyable. My speech as you remember was affected recently. It is mostly better. I find when I am really tired or stressed now is when I have the issues. So I can kinda control that. Until next time….

I have shared some of my creations of homemade cards below. Have a great week.